Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Words & Finds

This past weekend was Fall Break (insert chorus of angels singing "Hallelujah")!
It was a relaxing weekend, although I did not complete all of the homework I needed to get done :/
I spent the weekend with Amy (can I just say I love her :) )( I went and helped at her church and passed out fliers for an event and the Lord really broke my heart for the needs in that community).
While I was with Amy, I acquired some amazing finds!
I am now the proud owner of two miniature bird cages...(pictures to come...can't find my memory card to go in my camera)
I have this obssession with little birds & birdcages...there is something so liberating about little birds just flitting around...

I got a letter from a very good friend today...almost had me in tears...I miss that girl so much...She is a very brave & brilliant young lady whom I am blessed to call friend...

I also found a picture of myself and my dear friend Raquel randomly today in my desk drawer...I miss that little Brazilian so much...

I was told today that I have a knack for writing - I quote "have an ease and style about writing that adds humor, but yet communicates well to the reader". Really made my day to hear this... I used to love writing and used to write quite a bit, but haven't really had the time or passion to write...I think Im going to start again...who knows, maybe one day you can all read a book I write (don't look for it anytime soon...I am way to consumed with school work /work these days... I feel like all my professors get together with their little cups of coffee and place bets on who can make me pass out on the floor first from all this "redunkulous" amount of work - I can just see Dr. Frederick laying a $2o on the table and saying I got this..).

Talked with a dear friend about life & the need for accountability partners....the Lord is just so good to me...I really don't even deserve it...

Off to read about methods in teaching mathematics :|...


  1. I love technology.
    You know why?
    Because it allows me to look through a tiny little window and see a glimpse of your life.

    I hate technology.
    You know why?
    Because it's a walls that separates us from the reality that used to be that I didn't have to look through a window to see your life, but I could knock on your door and hug you.

    You do have a knack for writing.
    Keep this blog up.
    It's brings me joy. :)

    I love you.

  2. I know...I have a love/hate relationship with technology as well...

    I love you too my dear :)
