Friday, November 19, 2010


Do you ever find yourself looking at pictures and wishing you could go back to that moment or that place, if even only for a short time...
I find myself doing that all the time...
I start looking at a picture and I began to remember the room first, and the feeling of that room - the temperature of the room, the lighting, the setting, the furniture....
Then I begin to remember the sound - the laughter, the music, the clinking of forks on plates, the sound of shoes against a tiled floor....
Then I remember the smells - the smell of vinyl, of perfume and perspiration, the smell of food, the smell of musky air...
Then I remember the people - friends and enemies alike...I remember the first time that we met - the look in their eyes when I told them a secret, the first embrace that we shared...the secrets, the laughter....

There are just some pictures that capture my heart so...

Off to work on projects....


Sunday, November 14, 2010


I really have a ton of homework & reading that I should be doing, but sometimes you just have to write it out and vent a little.....maybe not even necessarily vent, just rant....

I hate having to confront people...I am no good at it & I allow myself to be walked all over, which is really my own fault...
But tonight, I had to confront someone about something that was going on & I stood up and didn't allow this person to control the situation...(thank you Lord)..

I have been a little jealous here lately of my friends and their relationships...a good percentage of my friends are either married or in a serious dating relationship, and while I am happy for them, I am jealous....I know that right now is a waiting period for me...waiting for relationships and waiting for whats going to be happening in the next couple of years (clue me in anytime you want Lord). I am just really freakin tired of waiting....although with school right now, I don't think I really have time for a relationship...

I have also been thinking recently about my life & future plans & all that jazz...I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what I am going to do...I know that I love to teach & I know that God has gifted me in that area...I also know that He has given me a heart for missions.....I just really don't know what I am supposed to do...I have been thinking about his all day & I feel like I am at an impasse......
I am so confused...
I hate being confused & not knowing what to do...
Boo... :(

I really have been in a funky mood today & I don't like it...